The Biggest Disaster Ever

Monday, January 16, 2012

Have you heard about the greatest disaster ever in the world? Earthquake, flood, eruption, these are some words that we often hear, but which one the greatest?

The Biggest Disaster Ever

Damghan Earthquake, Iran (856 M)

The earthquake that occurred on December 22, 856 M, it has 7.9 Richter Scale. Epicenter was at 320 KM from the city of Persia. The quake cost up to 200,000 deaths.

Earthquake Antakiya, Antioch (526 M)

In early May 526 M, this quake struck Syria and Antioch. This earthquake estimated have a strength more than 7 Richter Scale and also casualties as many as 250,000 people.

Antonine Plague, the Roman Empire (165 M-180 M)

This plague named like that after killed Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, the king of Rome. Judging from his description, historians thought that the Antonine Plague is caused by smallpox or measles. The epidemic is actually used to expel the Roman troops from East Fort.

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Pompeii (79 M)

In early August of 79, springs and wells dried up. Mild earthquake vibrations began to occur on August 20, 79, and increase frequently in the next four days, but the warnings were ignored, and in the afternoon on August 24, a deadly volcanic eruption occurs. Their blast destroyed the region, burying Pompeii and other residential areas. This tragedy has the same date with the celebration of the Roman god of fire, Vulcanalia. Eyewitness who the one survived was recorded by Younger Plinius in two letters and sent to the historian Tacitus. From his uncle's house at Misenum, about 35 km from the volcano, Plinius saw a remarkable phenomenon that occurs on top of Mt. Vesuvius, a large dark cloud shaped like a pine tree came from the mouth of the mountain. After a while, the cloud quickly down the slopes of the mountain and covering everything around them, including the nearby sea.

Earthquake and Tsunami Helike, Greece (373 BCE)

Helike be buried under the ground because of bay movement from earthquake and tsunami. This Ancient Greek City sank on the night of the winter of 373 BCE. The city is located on the Achaeans, Northern Peloponnesos, two kilometers from the Gulf of Corinth. Dora Katsonopoulou and Steven Soter of the American Museum Natural History rediscover this city in the summer of 2001, near the village of Rizomylos.

The Eruption of Mount Krakatau, Indonesia (1883 M)

Krakatau is a volcanic island that still active and located in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. This name given to volcanic peak there (Mount Krakatau) which vanished due to the eruptions themselves on 26-27 August 1883. The eruption was so powerful, hot clouds and caused tsunami killed approximately 36,000 people. Before the date of December 26, 2004, this is a the greatest tsunami in the Indian Ocean Region. The sound explosion was heard up in Alice Springs, Australia and the island of Rodrigues near Africa, 4653 miles. The explosion was estimated at 30,000 times the atomic bombs that detonated on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II.

Noah Flood

Decades of Noah's preaching, but his people did not want to follow his teachings and continue to worship statue. They were often persecuted Noah and his followers. For that, Noah asks ALLAH to give the punishment for them and ALLAH granted the request of Noah. In order for people who believe Noah was spared from punishment, ALLAh commanded Noah to make the ark. Together with his followers, Noah collects large nails and cut wood from the trees that he planted for 40 years. Through his revelation, ALLAH led Noah made the ark which strong enough to face the storm and flooding attacks. Noah's Ark is a first sea transport in the world.


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