The Six Largest Sailing Ships in the World

Friday, January 13, 2012

Sailing ship is a transportation used in ancient times. But have we ever known that in ancient times has made ​​a giant sailing ship?

1. Pinisi

Pinisi timber ships have been used in Indonesia since a few centuries ago, is expected to ship pinisi existed before the year 1500s. According to the script I Lontarak Chronicle La Lagaligo in the 14th century, once created by the first Pinisi Sawerigading, Crown Royal Luwu to sail to China had wanted to woo the Chinese princess named We Cudai. Pinisi is a traditional sailing boat from Indonesia, originating from the Bugis and Makassar in South Sulawesi Tribe. These ships generally have the two main masts and seven screens, three on the front end, two in front, and two behind, generally used for transporting goods among islands. Pinisi is a ship that uses this type of display screen with two mast schooner with seven strands of the screen that has a meaning that the ancestors of Indonesia are able mengharungi seven major oceans of the world.

2. Barque Sedov

This ship was originally known as the Magdalene Vinnen II. This sailing ship built in Germany in 1921 which is used as a cargo ship until 1936. In 1936, the ship was converted to the ship for military training. After the Second World War, the ship was handed over to the Soviet navy and its name was changed to Sedov Soviet inspired from the famous explorer, Georgy Sedov. The most unique aspect of the ship Sedov was when built, besides the masts of four steel sailing, the ship was added to the engine. Today after 90 years after the ship was made, Sedov still operational and used as a training vessel for cadets from the Russian universities of St. Petersburg and Murmansk.

3. Royal Clipper

Royal Clipper is a ship with five poles since the Preussen was launched in 1902, (one of the last cargo sailing ship) cargo sailing ship Preussen is the largest and fastest ever built. Today, the Royal Clipper is very similar to the shape of Preussen in all parts, but is optimized for passenger comfort than carrying cargo, and the overall appearance of the vessel is made new, but based on the shape of the German ship Preussen. With a length of 133.8 meters, the Guinness Book of World Records to make the Royal Clipper became the largest sailing ship today. She accommodates 228 passengers and 105 crew, and has three swimming pools.

4. Preussen

Cargo sailing ship Preussen is the largest ever, created and launched in Germany in 1902. This ship is pick the five pillars and screens made of steel. This ship was used as a freighter nitrates from South America.

5. Juan Sebastian Elcano

The ship is also often called Juan Sebastian de Elcano. Juan Sebastian de Elcano is a training ship for the Spanish Royal Navy. This vessel has a length of 113 meters and entered as a Ship’s biggest screen and highest in the world. The name of the vessel is taken from the Spanish explorer, Juan Sebastián Elcano, captain of the last fleet of Ferdinand Magellan’s exploration.

6. Thomas W. Lawson

The ship was made by the Fore River Ship and Engine Company, based in Massachusetts in 1901. Thomas W. Lawson is the seventh ship mast schooner used as a carrier of coal and oil on the east coast of the United States. Thomas W. Lawson is also considered as a cargo ship that has a screen the first tanker in the world.


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