The Biggest Disaster Ever

Monday, January 16, 2012 0 comments

Have you heard about the greatest disaster ever in the world? Earthquake, flood, eruption, these are some words that we often hear, but which one the greatest?

The Biggest Disaster Ever

Damghan Earthquake, Iran (856 M)

The earthquake that occurred on December 22, 856 M, it has 7.9 Richter Scale. Epicenter was at 320 KM from the city of Persia. The quake cost up to 200,000 deaths.

Earthquake Antakiya, Antioch (526 M)

In early May 526 M, this quake struck Syria and Antioch. This earthquake estimated have a strength more than 7 Richter Scale and also casualties as many as 250,000 people.

Antonine Plague, the Roman Empire (165 M-180 M)

This plague named like that after killed Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, the king of Rome. Judging from his description, historians thought that the Antonine Plague is caused by smallpox or measles. The epidemic is actually used to expel the Roman troops from East Fort.

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius, Pompeii (79 M)

In early August of 79, springs and wells dried up. Mild earthquake vibrations began to occur on August 20, 79, and increase frequently in the next four days, but the warnings were ignored, and in the afternoon on August 24, a deadly volcanic eruption occurs. Their blast destroyed the region, burying Pompeii and other residential areas. This tragedy has the same date with the celebration of the Roman god of fire, Vulcanalia. Eyewitness who the one survived was recorded by Younger Plinius in two letters and sent to the historian Tacitus. From his uncle's house at Misenum, about 35 km from the volcano, Plinius saw a remarkable phenomenon that occurs on top of Mt. Vesuvius, a large dark cloud shaped like a pine tree came from the mouth of the mountain. After a while, the cloud quickly down the slopes of the mountain and covering everything around them, including the nearby sea.

Earthquake and Tsunami Helike, Greece (373 BCE)

Helike be buried under the ground because of bay movement from earthquake and tsunami. This Ancient Greek City sank on the night of the winter of 373 BCE. The city is located on the Achaeans, Northern Peloponnesos, two kilometers from the Gulf of Corinth. Dora Katsonopoulou and Steven Soter of the American Museum Natural History rediscover this city in the summer of 2001, near the village of Rizomylos.

The Eruption of Mount Krakatau, Indonesia (1883 M)

Krakatau is a volcanic island that still active and located in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. This name given to volcanic peak there (Mount Krakatau) which vanished due to the eruptions themselves on 26-27 August 1883. The eruption was so powerful, hot clouds and caused tsunami killed approximately 36,000 people. Before the date of December 26, 2004, this is a the greatest tsunami in the Indian Ocean Region. The sound explosion was heard up in Alice Springs, Australia and the island of Rodrigues near Africa, 4653 miles. The explosion was estimated at 30,000 times the atomic bombs that detonated on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II.

Noah Flood

Decades of Noah's preaching, but his people did not want to follow his teachings and continue to worship statue. They were often persecuted Noah and his followers. For that, Noah asks ALLAH to give the punishment for them and ALLAH granted the request of Noah. In order for people who believe Noah was spared from punishment, ALLAh commanded Noah to make the ark. Together with his followers, Noah collects large nails and cut wood from the trees that he planted for 40 years. Through his revelation, ALLAH led Noah made the ark which strong enough to face the storm and flooding attacks. Noah's Ark is a first sea transport in the world.

List of New Horror Movies in 2012


For you horror films lovers, these films you must watch in 2012. As you known, horror films is one of the genre whose existence is not affected by the change of time.

These Are List of New Horror Movies in 2012

1. The Woman in Black

For you fans of Daniel Radcliffe, then this movie you must watch. Not only displaying acting skills of Radcliffe who tried to escape the shadow of Harry Potter, the film presents a story based on the bestselling novel of the 1980s with the same name.

Tells about young lawyer who was assigned to visit a remote village to take care of his client's files collection that had just died. Horror stories started happening since he was working alone in his client's home and saw a woman dressed all in black. That woman is related to his arrival in that remote village. The film will be released on February 3, 2012.

2. The Cabin in the Woods

The Cabin in the Woods tells the story of the five companions who went to a secluded cottage in a forest. Many bad things and mysterious happened since their arrival to the cottage. This film's story would be interesting because an unexpected twist spiced up. Directed by Drew Goddard and starred by Thor Chris Hemsworth, this film will be released on April 13, 2012.

3. Dark Shadows

Dark Shadows will probably be a horror film adaptation with a row of famous actors and actresses. Adopted by soap opera in 1960 and has the same title with them, this film starred by Johnny Depp (Pirates of the Caribbean), Michelle Pfeiffer (I am Sam), Eva Green (Kingdom of Heaven), and Helena Bonham Carter ( King's Speech). The film also directed by experienced director Tim Burton who has been heavily involved projects with Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter. This film tells the journey of a rich young man who was cursed to become a vampire and buried alive and will be scheduled for release on May 11, 2012.

4. Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter

The film is based on a novel with the same tittle as Seth Grahame-Smith's novel and directed by Timur Bekmambetov and co-produced with Tim Burton. This film explores the dark side of the secret life of former U.S. president, Abraham Lincoln from his secret diary. In this film, Lincoln's mother was killed by a vampire. Because of that, he want to hunt down the vampires and protect the black slaves from the supernatural creature attacks. Starred by Benjamin Walker and Mary Elizabeth Winstead, the film will be planned for release on June 22, 2012

5. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D

Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D is the seventh edition of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise and adopted by the same film in 1974. Directed by John Luessenhop, the film offers a real sensation of horror because it is packaged in three dimensions. The film is scheduled to release on October 5, 2012

6. Halloween 3D

One more horror movies in three-dimensional format that will be released in 2012, this is Halloween 3D. The details of this film is still a secret, so we don't know if the film is a remake or reboot from previous film. The film will be released on October 26, 2012.

7. Piranha 3DD

Piranha 3DD is a sequel of the movie Piranha 3D in 2010. The story idea is still the ​​terror that comes from prehistoric piranha fish, this film presents a three-dimensional view that can make you feel the real horror. Featuring Ving Rhames, Paul Scheer, and Christopher Lloyd, the film was originally planned for release on 23 November 2011 ago. However, due to some reason this film has not got a certainty when it will be released officially. But this film is predicted of released in 2012.

7 Biggest Secret of a Woman

Sunday, January 15, 2012 0 comments

Actually, woman and man is not quite different. There are still human that needed love, care, dream, and sometimes doing a mistake. We as a man, at least must know a little secret about them.

7 Biggest Secret of a Woman That You Should Know

1. Hidden the Original Price

Honestly, she really enjoyed the shopping. Moreover, most of the women just can't hold theirself when the sale season arrives. These habits can start the debate with their partner, many women choose to hide the actual price of the purchased items.

2. Often Think About Sex

Not just a man who likes to think about sex, women also, the difference from them is their fantasy only thinking about their partner. Unfortunately, sometimes at night women is too tired and drained of energy to realize his fantasies.

3. Fear of Commitment

It is true that women often dream of a romantic wedding, all in white, and coupled with a handsome prince. But she also did not differ much with men, they are also anxious and scared at the thought of commitment. Anything that raises uncertainty does make the heart hesitation. Is this guy going to be a good husband, if our marriage will be happy, and the other doubts immediately alighted on the head when talking about marriage.

4. Still Need Help

Women are more modern and independent, but somehow the small hearts of every woman needs help and protection from her partner. Fix a car that broke down, has extensive knowledge, or just bring a bag, already make a woman feel more feminine and secure with him.

5. Want to Envy

It was every woman wants to envy by her couple. It will make a woman feel needed and loved. That is why, when there is another man praise her beauty, she expect the couple to know that and show jealousy.

6. Share With Bestfriends

Women always share her problem with their bestfriends. But something that i know is they always keep some secret which high private for their couple, such as their partner sadness, etc.

7. Like the Romantic Things

Every woman basically like things that are romantic or something that can cause the sensation of happiness, like when she is falling in love. So, to repeat the sensation of falling in love, most women like watch love movies or romantic comedy.

7 Games With Go-Green Theme

Saturday, January 14, 2012 0 comments

Go-Green in the world is needed for the survival of future generations. That's why some game vendors began promoting Go-Green Games that kids love, so that children from an early age already provided knowledge to improve the environment.

The Theme of the Go-Green Games

1. Plant It Green

In this game players must manage the environment so that Greenville City (the Most Polluted City), back to being 'green'. You can build solar panels and wind power, make the program 'bike to work', and do other 'green' activity.

2. Green Patch

By playing this game, players will participate in the greening of the real world. Nature Conservancy Adopt An Acre is an institution that has environmental saving mission. The advantage gained through this game will be used to save the forests, by planting trees. Noted, already more than 183,244 hectares of forest were saved through this game

3. Eco Match

Learning while playing is fun, and that's why this game made. Traveling the world as chairman of the environmental organization S.A.F.E keep gamers can learn about environmental issues such as endangered species, logging, industrial impact on the environment, etc.

4. Safari Sketch

The game is done by matching the various images of plants and animals that are rare and almost extinct. Then put it into a journal, where players learn interesting facts about their habit. Just as Green Patch, part of the profits earned in this game will be donated to the Association of Zoos and Aquariums

5. Recyclorama

In Recyclorama game, players are assigned to take over a recycling plant. Players are required to sort and clean the cans, plastic, glass bottles, and paper. Remember, this game uses a time limit so players have to move quickly

6. Big Tree Defense

This game takes the theme of the defense, which began with the story of illegal logging that occurred on Earth. Then gamers are faced with a swarm of insects that want to attack, and the only way to survive is to plant new trees as much as possible

7. Lorax Garden

This game is inspired from children's books about the environment written by Dr. Seuss. In this game, gamers are required to work planting trees and flowers to preserve the environment.

source :

The 10 Most Powerful Animal in the World

Friday, January 13, 2012 0 comments

Sometimes without we realize, the animals is around us have extraordinary power. For example just like rats and cockroaches, they can be resistant to poisons and deadly radiation. Let's see which animals that have the extreme abilities.

1. Chamois

They can survive in a very high place without getting any disease, they can survive at an altitude of 15,000 feet without getting any disease. They are the most powerful four-legged animals in the high areas.

2. Polar Bear

They are able to survive in extremely cold areas, the polar bears can live and survive in the very extreme winter. They are the most powerful four-legged animals in cold areas.

3. Petrel

They are able to live in the surrounding sea, usually they hunt fishes in the sea. They are the only animals that able to survive after crashing into the surface of the water at speeds as high as 90 to 120km per hour.

4. Camel

They were able to survive in areas that are very hot and barren where there is rarely any water to drink. They were able to survive without water for 8 days. Camels are the most formidable four-legged animals to live in the dry and barren.

5. Emperor Penguin

They are able to survive in extreme winter temperatures. Even they are able to survive in temperatures of minus 70 degrees centigrade and they are also able to withstand the cold wind blowing at a speed of 100 - 140 km/hour.

6. Rats

They have a flexible body bones. They may survive after falling from a high place such as falls from second floor of the building. Unlike other animals, they are difficult to kill with poison, because his body immune to poison.

7. Cockroaches

They can live even if exposed to high doses of radiation or toxins. They can still survive for 9 days even though his head had been separated from his body, they die not because of the pain but due to starvation.

8. Giant Worm Cylinder

They can survive up to thousands of feet under water, although the water is contained in toxic waste. They also can survive in freezing water and live in boiling water.

9. Weta

They can survive after being frozen for months, they can survive after losing 99% of the water from their bodies when get frozen. Although the heart rate and their brain stopped, they will survive after melted.

10. Water Bear

They can withstand 1000x fold to radiation than other animals and humans as well, even they can live in temperatures of minus 272 degrees Celsius and as hot as 151 degrees Celsius. Water Bear also can survive longer time without water and able to live in a vacuum air for 10 days.

The Six Largest Sailing Ships in the World


Sailing ship is a transportation used in ancient times. But have we ever known that in ancient times has made ​​a giant sailing ship?

1. Pinisi

Pinisi timber ships have been used in Indonesia since a few centuries ago, is expected to ship pinisi existed before the year 1500s. According to the script I Lontarak Chronicle La Lagaligo in the 14th century, once created by the first Pinisi Sawerigading, Crown Royal Luwu to sail to China had wanted to woo the Chinese princess named We Cudai. Pinisi is a traditional sailing boat from Indonesia, originating from the Bugis and Makassar in South Sulawesi Tribe. These ships generally have the two main masts and seven screens, three on the front end, two in front, and two behind, generally used for transporting goods among islands. Pinisi is a ship that uses this type of display screen with two mast schooner with seven strands of the screen that has a meaning that the ancestors of Indonesia are able mengharungi seven major oceans of the world.

2. Barque Sedov

This ship was originally known as the Magdalene Vinnen II. This sailing ship built in Germany in 1921 which is used as a cargo ship until 1936. In 1936, the ship was converted to the ship for military training. After the Second World War, the ship was handed over to the Soviet navy and its name was changed to Sedov Soviet inspired from the famous explorer, Georgy Sedov. The most unique aspect of the ship Sedov was when built, besides the masts of four steel sailing, the ship was added to the engine. Today after 90 years after the ship was made, Sedov still operational and used as a training vessel for cadets from the Russian universities of St. Petersburg and Murmansk.

3. Royal Clipper

Royal Clipper is a ship with five poles since the Preussen was launched in 1902, (one of the last cargo sailing ship) cargo sailing ship Preussen is the largest and fastest ever built. Today, the Royal Clipper is very similar to the shape of Preussen in all parts, but is optimized for passenger comfort than carrying cargo, and the overall appearance of the vessel is made new, but based on the shape of the German ship Preussen. With a length of 133.8 meters, the Guinness Book of World Records to make the Royal Clipper became the largest sailing ship today. She accommodates 228 passengers and 105 crew, and has three swimming pools.

4. Preussen

Cargo sailing ship Preussen is the largest ever, created and launched in Germany in 1902. This ship is pick the five pillars and screens made of steel. This ship was used as a freighter nitrates from South America.

5. Juan Sebastian Elcano

The ship is also often called Juan Sebastian de Elcano. Juan Sebastian de Elcano is a training ship for the Spanish Royal Navy. This vessel has a length of 113 meters and entered as a Ship’s biggest screen and highest in the world. The name of the vessel is taken from the Spanish explorer, Juan Sebastián Elcano, captain of the last fleet of Ferdinand Magellan’s exploration.

6. Thomas W. Lawson

The ship was made by the Fore River Ship and Engine Company, based in Massachusetts in 1901. Thomas W. Lawson is the seventh ship mast schooner used as a carrier of coal and oil on the east coast of the United States. Thomas W. Lawson is also considered as a cargo ship that has a screen the first tanker in the world.

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